Thursday, September 29, 2011

Managing Money God's Way

Managing Money God's Way:

"In these uncertain economic times, financial matters are a huge concern. But God’s Word speaks in a very practical way to money and money management—both corporately and privately.

Ron Blue is confident that financial freedom is brought by generosity. He takes God’s word for it—and he has seen it happen with his own eyes."


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Spiritual Practice of Giving | Alive Now Spiritual Tools

The Spiritual Practice of Giving | Alive Now Spiritual Tools:

By Christopher Maricle
A powerful excerpt from the book The Jesus Priorities: 8 Essential Habits.
As Christians living in a modern age, dealing with our wealth presents a complex challenge. We experience tremendous pressure to accumulate, to own, and to buy happiness. How do we act on these concepts of detachment, abundance mentality, and justice in our daily lives? How much is okay to earn? How much should we give? Should we give to individuals or to organizations? Which ones? These are among the hardest questions of Christian discipleship, and there are no simple answers. . . .

Sharing the Wealth: How to Grow Success | The High Calling

Sharing the Wealth: How to Grow Success | The High Calling:

This is a tale of two bosses. Boss No. 1 sees information as gold to be hoarded. He shares on a need-to-know basis...and he believes that few people need to know. So don’t ask him, either—that makes you suspect.Play Sharing the Wealth: How to Grow Success...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

God as Your Source

By: Ann Doupont
God as Your SourceThings are not the same as they once were in the uncertain economy of the world’s resources. God never changes, but people do, conditions do, and times change as well.

It has been said that “desperate people do desperate things.” We are seeing that nearly everywhere we look. What used to work in good economic times doesn’t work so well in times of financial duress, except in seeking the Lord and knowing Him. That always works. Read more...

Honey, I got Fired (Now write your book)

Honey, I got Fired (Now write your book): "Honey, I got Fired — Nathaniel Hawthorne went home to tell his wife that he had just been fired from his job. “Good,” she said. “Now you can write your book.” “What do we live on meanwhile?” Hawthorne asked. His wife opened a drawer filled with money. “I have always known that you are a man of genius,” she said. “So I saved a little each week, and now I have enough to last for a year.” Hawthorne used the time to write “The Scarlet Letter,” one of the great masterpieces of American literature." Read more...

Does Your Work Need Unknotting? | The High Calling

Does Your Work Need Unknotting? | The High Calling:

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Robin Hood Tax Campaign — Home

The Robin Hood Tax Campaign — Home: "STAR IN THE NEW ROBIN HOOD TAX FILM"

'via Blog this'

Creating a Life with God

The Call of Ancient Prayer Practices
By Daniel Wolpert

"This book is truly about life with God: a life in which the awareness and consciousness of God sweep us off our feet the way a lover would. It is about taking on the mind of Christ, a process that is a journey, the journey of prayer."

So begins Wolpert's invitation to fully experience the lifeline God offers us in prayer.
Creating a Life with God goes beyond the rote prayers that so many of us have experienced and found wanting. In fact, Wolpert admits that his own frustration with the formula prayers and his unsettled longing immediately after college led to his search for a different kind of prayer, one that's "a deep conversation with God beginning with communion and leading to transformation."
Prayer illuminates our minds, enabling the love of God to permeate all that we do. The purpose of this book is to nourish a deeper, more satisfying prayer life. Wolpert explains 12 prayer practices and introduces you to historical figures who best illuminate each practice. You'll discover new ways to pray through
  • experiencing solititude and silence
  • using your mind and imagination
  • using your body and creativity
  • connecting with nature and community
You'll discover how classical approaches to God can deepen your prayer life today. An appendix offers step-by-step instructions for practicing the Jesus Prayer and the prayer of examen, for walking the labyrinth, and more.
Creating a Life with God is suitable for both individual and small group study.