Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Attaining and Maintaining Financial Stability - 7 Practical Wise Habits

By: Hirwa G. Israel 

The greatest wise man in history says, “…money gives everything.” [1] Another place he says, “Wisdom and money can get you almost everything, but only wisdom can save your life.” [2]

Well, we know many people, even sincere Christians, struggle when it comes to areas of finances. Those who don’t have keep pursuing money while those who have are in constant fear of losing everything.

I believe in life principles. In order to attain and maintain financial stability, there are several principles or laws or habits a person will have to develop. You’ve heard of people who won millions or even made millions but who lost it all after a short time.

Let’s look at these seven wise habits:

Habit #1: Integrity

Honesty is the best policy. Your word is your life. Keep your promises. When you borrow money, payback on time. Settle your bills in time. Be honest in your dealings [3]. When people know they are dealing with a person of integrity, they will open many doors for you. I believe that trust is the foundation upon which wealth is built, all else is sinking sand. God honours uprightness.

Habit #2: Work Hard

The lazy will always be in lack. [4] Be diligent. Wake up early. Use your time wisely. Always give your best in everything your hand finds to do. Let excellence be your mark of honor. Like Joseph in the Bible, live your life in such a way that when people entrust you with responsibilities they have nothing to worry about. The hard worker will always be the leader and employer of those who are lazy.

Habit #3: Invest Where You Have Knowledge

People make a mistake of getting into business deals or careers where they don’t know what’s going on. Never get into something because many people are getting into it. Do your investigation. Ask questions. With many advisers a war is won. [5] And if you have doubts, then shelve a decision for a little longer until you have some basic information to work with. Before you get a loan for instance, carefully study the terms.

Habit #4: Save

Ants save food in summer. [6] Now could be your time of plenty. Put aside a certain percentage (Joseph in Egypt saved 20% [7]) of your income to achieve some goals you’ve set. Only fools eat everything they get. [8] Start small and keep going higher. Look for ways to reduce on your expenses. And when your income increases, save more, to invest more, not spend more.

Habit #5: Live Within Your Means

This is important too. It’s unwise to buy things just because you see others buying them. [9] Buy what you can comfortably afford. This is where you are content with what you have. [10] And being content does not mean being complacent. You can still aspire for greater things and what makes the difference is waiting till you’re in a position to afford them. With this you will avoid unnecessary debts.

Habit #6: Use Well What You Have

It’s very key to use well the little you have. Save on the little you have. Take good care of your property and those of others.[11] You see, the only sign that you can manage big things is how you manage the small things. You can be sure God will entrust you with much because he knows and sees you are a good steward and will not squander or misuse what he gives you.[12]

Habit #7: Give

Giving creates room for you to receive more. Tithe 10% of your income to your local church.[13] Help those in need whenever possible. Never send someone away when you could do something for them, even if it means recommending them to someone who could help.[14]

Remember that ‘the generous will prosper, those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.’ ‘Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything.’[15] If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord, and he will repay you.[16] And whatever you give is not lost, its only stored in heaven for you.[17]

It is possible to attain and maintain financially stability. God gives us the ability to make wealth.[18]

Remember that wealth that’s built slowly grows [18] and so be wary of get-rich-quick schemes. There are no shortcuts to financial stability, you have to pay the price of putting into practice the seven habits.

Scripture Reference:
[1]Eccl 10:19 [2] Eccl 7:11 [3] Prov 16:11,13 [4] Prov 10:4 [5] Prov 15:22 [6] Prov 30:25 [7] Gen 41:34 [8] Prov 21:20 [9] Eccl 4:4 [10] Phil 4:11& 1 Tim 6:8 [11] Luke 16:12 [12] Matt 25:21 [13] Mal 3:10 [14] Prov 11:24,25 [15] Prov 3:27-28 [16] Prov 19:17 [17] Matt 6:20 [18] Deut 8:18 [19] Prov13:11

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